
Theological education is education that one receives in the discipline of theology. The study of theology has as its objective an understanding of the Christian faith. It is a study that aims to provide an appropriate understanding, interpretation, and application of the Christian faith as it applies to our modern world. It is our Christian faith that lies at the heart of our theological education.

If you are interested in either informal or formal theological education, there are numerous options available. Here at Bethel, we will be running bible study classes as well as classes relating to other areas of theology. Keep an eye out in the bulletin for upcoming study groups at the church. If you are interested in formal theological education, see the links below:


There are, of course, many other institutions offering formal theological education, but the list above is a good place to start. You can check out their websites directly or come in for a chat and we can talk about where you see yourself studying. I look forward to supporting you in whatever theological educational endeavours you wish to pursue.

Reverend David Coull